Showing results 1 to 7
Blackmatter 1
Antique articulated human spine
AntiArticulated spine with stand 
0 bids
Blackmatter 1
Antique human skull
Antique skull on brass stand 
0 bids
Blackmatter 1
Eastern European skull
Skull on brass stand 
0 bids
Blackmatter 1
Table lamp made with 7 vertebrae
One of a kind lamp made with human vertebrae, 
sunhenry 54
6 old human mandibles
6 old human mandibles with different patinas
sunhenry 54
Old human sacrum bone with dark patina
Old human sacrum bone with dark patina
sunhenry 54
Articulated human foot early 20 th
Articulated human foot early 20 th from a former medical school in france