Advertisement for 1-900-Number where callers could call and listen to Gacy spin yarn after yarn at a mere $3 per minute. Considering Gacy was quite the blowbag, if a caller listened closely and had the money they could have probably listened for hours and hours. Myself, I don’t know, I never called it, but I did hold on to it. This advertisement was circulated amongst tape traders, zinesters, bands, and distros of the early 1990a international Extreme music underground scene.
First published in 1994 this is Issue #4 of underground Heavy Metal fanzine Under The Blade. The headliner of this issue is unquestionably the Richard Ramirez material, which besides the cover artwork there is also an interview with Ramirez as well.
The original made for TV movie about Ted Bundy, featuring everyone's favorite substitute teacher Mark Harmon playing the lead role. Good shape, plays fine, well taken care of.