Charles Manson 7.5 x 8 original first generation photograph from 1970Very rare and a nice original close up of Charles Manson. The picture is in black and white and was stamped March 20, 1970.
This was worn By the lead inspector and used to protect a handmade boat by Lucas when it was shipped. The boat was a gift from Henry Lucas to him. It’s considered the largest crafted wooden artwork done by Mr. Lucas behind bars.
Deceased -Daniel Siebert superbe watercolor painting on 8.5 x 11 glued card stock from 2005This is a very pretty and detailed watercolor signed on the front Siebert 05. This was done while he was awaiting execution on Deathrow at Holman Correctional Facility.
Luis Pineda Gloria Jr. Original fingerprint chart El Paso, Texas from 1965Showing all his fingerprints and signed Luis P. Gloria Jr. This is his original fingerprint chart and not a copy.