Edward Gein fingerprint chart copy on 8 x 8 from his arrest late 1950'sThis will be a nice crisp complete copy of the fingerprint chart. This auction is only for a copy of this chart.
David Berkowitz '' Son Of Sam '' very rare 2 x 2.5 inches photographs from 1977 when he was taken into custody by New York police homicide detectives.These smaller type photographs /polaroids will be a modern version of the originals. You will get all 4 rare photographs size 2 x 2.5 inches in crisp color on kodak pelicule photo. This is an amazing add to your SOn of Sam or True Crime Collection without a doubt.David Richard Berkowitz(bornRichard David Falco; June 1, 1953), known also as theSon o...
John Wayne Gacy reprint of his original drawing map of his 8213 w. Summerdale houseThe original drawing and description of each section was all done by John Gacy.A Great piece of history to add to your true crime collection. John Gacy had buried the majority of his 33 victims bellow his house in his crawl space.
Makallie Elizabeth Durham, a 25-year-old woman from Iuka,
Mississippi, has been sentenced to life in prison plus forty years
for heinous crimes including child abuse and murder. Durham was
implicated in the tragic death of a 2-year-old boy and the
mistreatment of his 11-month-old sister. Circuit Judge Michael P.
Mills, Jr., ordered a life sentence with no possibility of parole or
release. The case focuses on child welfare issues in Mississippi and
raises awareness of domestic violence and...
Alexis Clark, a 25-year-old Green Bay woman, was sentenced to five
years in jail for a fatal hit-and-run on July 15, 2023. Clark, who
was high on cocaine, ran over a 48-year-old bicyclist named David
Fournier while riding his bike. Clark was discovered to contain
measurable levels of restricted prohibited substances in her
circulation, showing poor judgment and recklessness. The judge noted
the woman showed little remorse for the effects of her actions on the
victim and his family. She al...