Sharon Tate 8.5 x 11 certificate of death from 1969You will get a reprint of her actual certificate of death and amendment of medical and health data -death report on one sheet. Stamped 1 of 2 and 2 of 2.
Cecil Hotel 4 x 6 photograph of the hotel as it was in the early 1930’sThis is a modern photograph and undated. The Cecil Hotel was the residence of numerous criminal because of the low fees it had per night. Richard Ramirez lived there in the 1980’s.
Deceased - Vincent Bugliosi 7.5 x 8.5 photograph with short note signed Vince BugliosiThank you for your continuing support.I’m looking forward to meeting you again sincerly. My warmest wishes in all the years ahead. Vince Bugliosi