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LongfellowSerenade 65
DEWAYNE LEE HARRIS | "The Seattle Shoelace Slasher" | Serial Killer Strangled Prostitutes In Seattle, Dumping Their Bodies In An Area Known As 'The Jungle' | Laughs In Court As Verdict Is Read | Autographed Letter Signed
DeWayne Lee Harris, popularly known as "The Seattle Jungle Killer" or "Chilly Willy," was an American serial murderer who murdered three women in Seattle from 1997 to 1998. His victims were discovered near freeways in the "Jungle," an underdeveloped area beneath the I-5 and I-90 freeways. Harris's first victim was Denise Marie Harris, who was strangled and tied with shoelaces. He then targeted Antoinette Jones, who was stabbed multiple times following a violent argument. Harris was captur...
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Redrumautographs 763
Executed - Danny Rolling hair strand from the lock given to his fiance in 1990
Very rare Gainesville Ripper hair with provenance and card it was taped to mentioning the hairs.
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LongfellowSerenade 65
JUAN DAVID ORTIZ | U.S. Border Patrol Agent Kills Four Sex Workers To ‘Clean Up The Streets’ | Confessed to the killings and received an automatic sentence of LWOP | ALS
Over a period of twelve days, two sex workers had been picked up from what were known as “the prostitute blocks” on  San Bernardo Avenue in the border city of Laredo, taken to remote areas northwest of the city, and shot in the head. After another potential victim made a daring escape from the killer’s white pickup truck, she led police to his house. Two more women would be shot and killed before he was apprehended. The man turned out to be a U.S. Border Patrol supervisor, Juan Dav...
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