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LongfellowSerenade 30
GERALD PARKER | "The Bedroom Basher" | Serial Sexual Sadist Killer Raped and Murdered Over Five Women and Killed the Unborn Baby of a Sixth Woman in California in the ’70s | Typed Letter Signed
Gerald Parker, born in 1955 in Phoenix, Arizona, was a notable serial murderer known for his horrific methods and the long-term damage his crimes had on victims' families. He became known as the "Bedroom Basher" after committing violent crimes against women in Orange County, California. His first recorded attack happened in 1979, leaving Jane P. in a coma for several weeks. He went on to commit a number of other violent crimes, including Aida Demirjian's murder and Dianna D'Aiello's abduc...
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LongfellowSerenade 30
SCOTT EVANS DEKRAAI | 2011 Seal Beach shooting | ‘The face of evil’: Worst mass shooter in OC history | Shot dead 8 in beauty salon massacre to get back at hairdresser wife over custody battle | ALS
On October 12, 2011, a mass shooting occurred at the Salon Meritage hair salon in Seal Beach, California. Eight people inside the salon and one person in the parking lot were shot, and only one victim survived. It remains the deadliest mass killing in Orange County history. Scott Evans Dekraai, who was involved in a custody dispute with his ex-wife (one of the shooting victims), pleaded guilty to the shooting on May 2, 2014. On September 22, 2017, Dekraai was sentenced to eight ter...
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