Documentation Once Required To Fund Henry Lee Lucas
If ever you’ve considered contacting the incarcerated please know and keep in mind there is etiquette and various protocol in doing so.
????Huh? What?? Money, motherfucker, nothing’s free. Unless you’re a millennial ???????????????? nobody owes you anything. At the very base minimum return postage is mandatory if ever you are to get a reply…..BUT all prisons and lockups have their own protocol, so that will need to be found out ahead of time.
Anyway, this auction is for a document acquired from the prison in Huntsville, Texas where Guinness Book of World Records Recordholder for Biggest Liar Henry Lee Lucas was lodged up until his death. It’s basically a deposit slip sheet for his prison bank account where, as you can see, one slip is missing, as I put some money on his books many years ago. With that roll of the dice I lost…..if he got my previous correspondence then he opted to not bother with my request. With this auction it is my intention to maybe replace those lost funds I invested in Henry’s reply.