Patricia Kremwinkel Susan Atkins and Leslie Van Houten 4 x 6 photograph This is a superbe picture where Susan Atkins is making fun of the reporters and camera man.This photograph was a duplicate done in the year 2000…
This hand tracing is rather chaotic, and Hadley has signed it in the corner "Tyler Hadley, AKA Haddius-Mazximus". On the back of his hand tracing, he's written a whole message.
Cameron Hooker letter -envelope and original PLN pamphlet from 2006This typed letter explaining how he spent 19 years in Folsom Prison. 2 years in California substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison. Talks about his favorite music and that he is studying law. The letter is signed Cameron Hooker in black ink. The prison pamphlet is very nice to have making a great trio all together.