Jack the Ripper Whitechapel showing Mitre square and surroundings 1888This is for a modern reproduction ORDINANCE SURVEY MAP SHOWING MITRE SQUARE & SURROUNDING STREETS, 30th SEPTEMBER 1888, SCENE OF MURDER 1.45AM , JACK THE RIPPER STRIKES AGAIN.
Gary Ray Bowles was executed for the murder of 3 men and suspected of more. Included in this auction is a two page hand written and signed letter with the original mailing envelope.
Shawn Michael Grate, born in 1976 in Marion, Ohio, had a difficult
childhood due to familial problems and academic difficulties. He
began his criminal career with a burglary charge in 1997 and
perpetrated several murders of young women between 2006 and 2016.
Grate was arrested in 2016 when a lady complained that he kidnapped
her. He faced multiple counts, including aggravated murder and
kidnapping. Grate was convicted of two counts of aggravated murder in
Ashland County in 2018, and plead...