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Redrumautographs 752
Jim Jones Guyana Georgetown related QSL card from August 1978
Jim Jones Guyana Georgetown related QSL card from August 1978 - Very RareThis QSL was sent 3 months before the massacre in Jonestown Guyana.Comes with a 3 x 5 photograph and a religious relic pinned to its protective plastic.
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LongfellowSerenade 34
JUAN DAVID ORTIZ | U.S. Border Patrol Agent Kills Four Sex Workers To ‘Clean Up The Streets’ | Confessed to the killings and received an automatic sentence of LWOP | ALS
Over a period of twelve days, two sex workers had been picked up from what were known as “the prostitute blocks” on  San Bernardo Avenue in the border city of Laredo, taken to remote areas northwest of the city, and shot in the head. After another potential victim made a daring escape from the killer’s white pickup truck, she led police to his house. Two more women would be shot and killed before he was apprehended. The man turned out to be a U.S. Border Patrol supervisor, Juan Dav...
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LongfellowSerenade 34
HEATHER YOUNG | Shot her neighbor/extramarital lover to death while he was on the phone talking to a 911 dispatcher | LWPP | Autographed Letter/Envelope Signed | UNOPENED
The fatal shooting was a result of a dispute between the two over her neighbor and lover, Memford Hamby, loaning Heather Young money over a two-year period, then withholding Young's Suboxone pills from her. Suboxone is used to treat opiate addiction. According to Heather, she said Memford had demanded to hold a large portion of her pills as ransom to try and get repayment for the loans. Heather agreed that her relationship with the Hamby “started going south”, that Hamby refuse...
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Redrumautographs 752
Daniel Siebert 8.5 x 11 Pencil on paper artwork from 2003
Daniel Siebert 8.5 x 11 Pencil on paper artwork from 2003This piece titled girls from magazines can very well be victims if you look on the look of their faces…something odd and wierd is going on here. Plus the eye drawing crying….that’s also very off.You be the judge! Great piece from a very talented Deathrow artist.
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