Ann Marie Burr Special Bulletin Tacoma Missing Person 1961She is believed to have been Theodore Robert Bundy’s first victim. Bundy would of lived minutes from her house and would of been around the age of 13. Ann Marie Burr was 8 at the time she disappeared.You will get a 4 x 6 modern copy of her poster. A nice addition to your Ted Bundy collection.
Veronica Compton General Infraction Prison report from 1995You will receive a copy of this report on 8.5 x 11 sheet. It’s about her making calls in pyjamas without wearing a bathrobe. Basically two snitches Kaslet and Lockett inmates witnessed her several times and got excited about seeing her nipples trough the Pj’s .A very nice document to add to your collection.
Albert Fish 4 x 6 crime scene photograph showing police around the house where Grace buddy was killed 1930’sThis is not a photograph of the 1930’s it was done after but the date is unknown and the back is not stamped or dated.