John J. Joubert (July 2, 1963 – July 17, 1996) was an American sSerial Killer executed in Nebraska. He was convicted of murdering three boys in Maine and Nebraska.
You will get a copy of this picture taken on deathrow.
CoL. Charles Lindbergh Sirius Seaplane blueprint diagram 4.75 x 7.5 from 1931This is the diagram of Lindbergh’s plane for Far East flight. The Lockheed Sirius Seaplane in wich Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh and his wife will make their flight to the Orient. 7-2-31
John J. Joubert (July 2, 1963 – July 17, 1996) was an American sSerial Killer executed in Nebraska. He was convicted of murdering three boys in Maine and Nebraska.You will get a copy of this picture taken on deathrow.