John J. Joubert (July 2, 1963 – July 17, 1996) was an American sSerial Killer executed in Nebraska. He was convicted of murdering three boys in Maine and Nebraska.
You will get a copy of this picture taken on deathrow.
Edward Gein birth 8.5 x 11 certificate State of Wisconsin from 1906You will be getting a reprint of the birth certificate on 8.5 x 11 paper.Great add to your collection!
David Berkowitz '' Son Of Sam '' very rare 2 x 2.5 inches photographs from 1977 when he was taken into custody by New York police homicide detectives.These smaller type photographs /polaroids will be a modern version of the originals. You will get all 4 rare photographs size 2 x 2.5 inches in crisp color on kodak pelicule photo. This is an amazing add to your SOn of Sam or True Crime Collection without a doubt.David Richard Berkowitz(bornRichard David Falco; June 1, 1953), known also as theSon o...
Richard Ramirez crime scene shoe print mold 1980’sYou will receive a 4 x 6 photograph of a mold cast done by authorities that liked his unique pattern Avis Shoes to 8 murders.This photograph was obtained back in 2001
John J. Joubert (July 2, 1963 – July 17, 1996) was an American sSerial Killer executed in Nebraska. He was convicted of murdering three boys in Maine and Nebraska.You will get a copy of this picture taken on deathrow.
Deceased - Clifford Olson Caligraphy kit with 8 cartridges 2 pencils , 2 caligraphy booklets and practice sheet in th original box from 2006This kit is one of two kits we have in our collection. This Sheaffer Caligraphy kit with all these accessories in their original box were used by Clifford Olson while in prison.He drew and made Caligraphy artwork and used to photocopy them to make unique stationnairies to write his pen pal letters on. Many of his artwork were done using these kits. This kit...