John Wayne Gacy signed and sent this letter to punk rock musician Bloody F Mess. John drew one of his album covers which is what opened the door to communication. He signed it, “J.W.” More info available upon request. Or Google “Bloody F Mess John Wayne Gacy.” Thanks!
This Christmas card was sent to midwest punk rock musician Bloody F Mess. John drew one of his album covers which is what opened the door to communication. He signed it, "Peace Uncle John." Comes with envelope. More information available upon request. Or google "Bloody F Mess John Wayne Gacy." Thank you!
This person visited Gacy 3 times. Anytime you left the prison with anything you did't come in the prison with, a release form had to be filled out & signed by Gacy & the person leaving with the items. This is a rare item. Thanks!
This letter was sent to midwest punk rock musician Bloody F Mess. John signed it, "Peace Uncle John." It does not come with an envelope. More information available upon request. Or you can google, "Bloody F Mess John Wayne Gacy." Thank you.
John Wayne Gacy signed and sent this two page letter to punk rock musician Bloody F Mess. John drew one of his album covers which is what opened the door to communication. He signed it, “J.W.” More info available upon request. Or Google “Bloody F Mess John Wayne Gacy.” Thanks!
John Wayne Gacy signed and sent this letter to punk rock musician Bloody F Mess. John drew one of his album covers which is what opened the door to communication. He signed it, “J.W.” More info available upon request. Or Google “Bloody F Mess John Wayne Gacy.” Thanks!