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serialkillerstalk 239
Serial killer of at least 8 people
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tudorrose78 17
Scool shooter Andrew Wurst handwritten letter and envelope
Andrew Jerome Wurst (born 1983) is a convicted American murderer, responsible for a shooting at Parker Middle School in Edinboro, Pennsylvania, United States, which had left one teacher dead, and three others wounded.
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Redrumautographs 748
Dennis L. Rader handwritten Christmas Greeting card with original envelope and artwork from 2007
Btk- Early form of artwork and Greeting card with envelope ! Rarely seen from 2007
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LongfellowSerenade 34
SEAN SHANNON FINNEGAN | Man Who Tortured Woman to Death, Pausing for Smoke Breaks, Before Stowing Body in Freezer Is Sentenced to Death | Autographed Letter Signed
Sean Finnegan, a 56-year-old man from Clinton, Tennessee, was convicted of Jennifer Paxton's violent rape and murder in December 2019. Finnegan and his girlfriend Rebecca Dishman duped Paxton into visiting their home, where she was subjected to extreme physical assault, including being attacked with a baseball bat and then raped. The couple bound Paxton to a bed before strangling her to death. Paxton's body was recovered on August 5, 2020, after authorities began an investigation into her...
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