Zodiac killer sketch drawing after the Cecilia Shepard and Bryan Hartnell crime in 1969Your will receive a 8.5 x 11 sketch copy. This is how he looked like at the crime scene and was described by a surviving victim.
Edward Gein fingerprint chart copy on 8 x 8 from his arrest late 1950'sThis will be a nice crisp complete copy of the fingerprint chart. This auction is only for a copy of this chart.
Deceased - Charles Manson 4 x 5 photograph of his first haircut since his arrest for the Tate murder 1970You will receive a modern copy of this rare photo. It took him 11 months since his arrest to be able to have a very first cut on november 2, 1970
Lexington Hotel complete matches and matchbook nice reference Alcapone headquarterThis one is the Lexington in NYC and not in Chicago. Opened in the 1920’s both places have lots of great mobster history.Great mob piece!