Arthur J. Shawcross signed 3 x 3 photograph of Andrew Cunanan from 2005He drew an arrow to Andrew top right mugshot . I don’t know why ...he probably saw a resemblance with him younger...there’s a photo mugshot of Shawcross that has some similarities ...Andrew Cunanan was the killer of designer Gianni Versace.
Arthur J. Shawcross original sketch marker of his police drawing when the were looking for the Genessee River KillerThis was done behind bars in 2005 at Sullivan Correctional Facility and is handrawn on cardboard by Arthur John Shawcross.It was supposed to eventualy be a sketch then a solid painting that never happened. He was always unsure to even start this piece for some reason and after many months dcided to go with it...half way trough.This is a one-of-kind piece and now that Arthur Shacwro...
Richard Kuklinski and his wife 4 x 6 early photographThis is a reprint of this actual photograph and not from the time period but done after.A great true crime collectible