Clifford Olson 4 x 6 photograph taken in the prison Yard 1990 no.2This was from August 3rd at Kingston Pennitentiary.You will get a 4x6 unisgned copy of this photograp
Robert J. Bardo odie the dog from Garfield dated from 1997This early artwork was done on 8.5 x 11 and is dated 9/11/97 thursdayTitled Odie the dog from Garfield and signed Robert J. Bardo H-21272-I-3Rarely you will see early artwork by him.
Albert Fish 4 x 6 crime scene photograph showing police around the house where Grace buddy was killed 1930’sThis is not a photograph of the 1930’s it was done after but the date is unknown and the back is not stamped or dated.
Verna Bjerky original missing 8.5 x 11 RCMP poster 1981This original poster from early 2000 when the network was created . She was never found and Clifford Olson was the main suspect and responsable for her disappearance.