Verna Bjerky original missing 8.5 x 11 RCMP poster 1981
This original poster from early 2000 when the network was created . She was never found and Clifford Olson was the main suspect and responsable for her disappearance.
Devil dollz original one-of-a-kind handcrafted and painted masterpiece from 2015This signed and dated on the back and titled, thirteen It’s a very odd and creepy masterpiece! It’s absolutely gorgeous!!The ceramic work with the 13 heads popping out of the crafted frame give a great morbid effect.
Johnny Torrio True Crime Series G-Men and Gangsters from Eclipse Entreprises from 1992This card will come in a protective soft plastic and is in Near mint condition.
Verna Bjerky original missing 8.5 x 11 RCMP poster 1981This original poster from early 2000 when the network was created . She was never found and Clifford Olson was the main suspect and responsable for her disappearance.