Zodiac Killer foot print crime scene photograph from 1968
This 4 x 6 is a copy photograph made after. It’s a foot print left at one of the crime scenes. It’s from the Shepard and Harnell crime scene size 10 1/2 identified later as Wing Walker shoe print. Maybe military, designed to walk on wings of planes.
Italian beer cap Birra Moretti founded in 1859Founded by Luigi Moretti in 1859. This beer cap with The Moretti family also known to have ties to the mob trough time. Willie Moretti cousin of Frank Costello was also an underboss for the Genovese crime family.
Bill Suff 4 x6 X-ray photograph of victim’s pelvis showing how he inserted a light bulbThis is not an actual X-ray but a photograph of an X-ray . It was obtained among other photographs years backed.
Zodiac Killer foot print crime scene photograph from 1968 This 4 x 6 is a copy photograph made after. It’s a foot print left at one of the crime scenes. It’s from the Shepard and Harnell crime scene size 10 1/2 identified later as Wing Walker shoe print. Maybe military, designed to walk on wings of planes.