Zodiac Killer foot print crime scene photograph from 1968
This 4 x 6 is a copy photograph made after. It’s a foot print left at one of the crime scenes. It’s from the Shepard and Harnell crime scene size 10 1/2 identified later as Wing Walker shoe print. Maybe military, designed to walk on wings of planes.
Deceased- Phillip Carl Jablonski handmade necklace with letter and envelope 2017-18The necklace is crafted with yellow and blue beads with a turning cylinder lock. The letter mentions the necklace and the original Manila envelope is included.Not many crafted items by him exist or are in circulation. You will see letter and artwork…drawing, paintings. The crafted pieces are another category and a step after.
Andre Rand program refusal notification document 2019This is a b&w copy of this document. Here Mr. Rand is still claiming his innocence not wishing to participate in the suggested programs by the Facility.He goes on not understanding why he has to take violence or sex offender program classes. He is innocent ! He even goes on to say that the evidence dosent suggest Sex or Violence. Of course! No need for theses programs….uhumm…An amazing true crime piece…
Adam Lane original handwritten envelope signed from 2010This has been stamped by the Dept of Corrections and postmarked Sept 2010.Its signed in full Adam Lane with 6 lines penned in his hand.
Zodiac Killer foot print crime scene photograph from 1968 This 4 x 6 is a copy photograph made after. It’s a foot print left at one of the crime scenes. It’s from the Shepard and Harnell crime scene size 10 1/2 identified later as Wing Walker shoe print. Maybe military, designed to walk on wings of planes.