Deceased Herbert Baumeister original virgin check no.330 from his last booklet of checks from 1996
This is very rare and part of the last bank booklet of checks he ordered before he committed suicide at a national park in CanadA while he was on the run.
Deceased - Clifford Olson Caligraphy kit with 8 cartridges 2 pencils , 2 caligraphy booklets and practice sheet in th original box from 2006This kit is one of two kits we have in our collection. This Sheaffer Caligraphy kit with all these accessories in their original box were used by Clifford Olson while in prison.He drew and made Caligraphy artwork and used to photocopy them to make unique stationnairies to write his pen pal letters on. Many of his artwork were done using these kits. This kit...
Herbert Baumeister handrawn work schedule for the Sav-A-Lot store 2 sheets from 1994This is unsual and rarely seen. It’s the closest I’ve seen to a drawing or a piece of art by Herbert Baumeister. It’s a work schedule made by him from February 13 to February 19.Great piece from when he moved to Westfield and shortly before few months his first Fox Hollow Farm victim.