Richard Ramirez 4 x 6 crime scene photograph of his shoe print 1980’s
This is for a modern copy of the original Night Stalker crime scene picture where Richard left a print of his Avis sneakers in the flower bed. A mold of this print was made as seen in the photograph.
Deceased - Danny Rolling dragon in ink signed on a sticker from early 1990’sHe did 8 different drawings totaling 15 stickers something he never did again.Some where drawn once. Some twice and others 3 times. Very rare this dragon sent to his fiancé Sondra at the time.Very nice and rare form of artwork on a sticker. This is signed Danny Rolling
Richard Ramirez 4 x 6 crime scene photograph of his shoe print 1980’s This is for a modern copy of the original Night Stalker crime scene picture where Richard left a print of his Avis sneakers in the flower bed. A mold of this print was made as seen in the photograph.