Jeffrey Dahmer set of 3 pictures of his childhood home right after arrest in the 90’sYou will get a copy of the Trio set that was taken right after his arrest.You can even see the woods he used to play in and were he killed and dismembered many animals.
Bobby BeauSoleil smoking up a Storm 8 x 10 print from 2014This is a print on 8 x 10 paper of the original piece titled : Smoking up a Storm by Manson Family member Robert “Bobby” BeauSoleil.Beautiful piece!
David Berkowitz left index print from the city of New York police Department taken in 1977This copy of the original 8.5 x 11 sheet will come with a reprinted signature of Mr. Berkowitz.A great piece of history to add to your collection!
Robert J. Bardo portrait of Ashley Judd and her dog from Garfield dated from 2001This is signed 3 times. D dated 8/18/01Ashley Judd and her dog butte milk