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NikkiStixx79 11
Henry Lee Lucas Inmate Trust Fund, Huntsville, TX
Documentation Once Required To Fund Henry Lee Lucas
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tudorrose78 17
Robert Thousand and Anthony Allen handwritten letters and envelopes
Robert Thousand was sentenced to 20 years in prison for acting as an accessory in the Renee C. Greco Avenue House murder Anthony Allen was found guilty of two counts of second-degree murder, two counts of first degree robbery and two counts of second-degree burglary. Allen beat Greco at least six times over the head with a wooden table leg with protruded screws in it while she sat at a table playing cards with residents of a group home for troubled teens. The witnesses testified that Allen’s...
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Redrumautographs 748
Jim Jones Guyana Massacre original White House letter from December 1978
Dated December 21, 1978 and signed by Landon WhiteJonestown Guyana People’s Temple
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