Patricia Kremwinkel Susan Atkins and Leslie Van Houten 4 x 6 photograph This is a superbe picture where Susan Atkins is making fun of the reporters and camera man.This photograph was a duplicate done in the year 2000…
Lee Boyd Malvo original early colored large self portrait drawing signed in fullThis is approx 12 x 18...i dont have this infront of me but its close to this size.Rarely will you see a large piece of artwork done by Lee Malvo. Especially a self portrait like this one. This was done early in his incarceration and is a one-of-a-kind.
John Wayne Gacy 2 pages painting list advertising to order from 1990You will be getting this nice Xerox copy of two pages. A very nice add to your true crime collection if you don’t have this already.The 2 pages will be sent folded in a regular size envelope.