Deceased- Phillip Carl Jablonski handmade necklace with letter and envelope 2017-18The necklace is crafted with yellow and blue beads with a turning cylinder lock. The letter mentions the necklace and the original Manila envelope is included.Not many crafted items by him exist or are in circulation. You will see letter and artwork…drawing, paintings. The crafted pieces are another category and a step after.
Etan Patz lost child 4 x 6 add poster from 1979This is for a modern copy on a smaller scale.He was the first child to have his photograph on a milk carton box after being missing.Great to add to your collection!
John J. Joubert (July 2, 1963 – July 17, 1996) was an American sSerial Killer executed in Nebraska. He was convicted of murdering three boys in Maine and Nebraska.You will get a copy of this picture taken on deathrow.