Arthur Shawcross Vietnam magazine with bold signature and address at Sullivan Corr. Facility with 5 hairs from his head from 2006
Arthur John Shawcross (June 6, 1945 – November 10, 2008), also known as the Genessee River Killer, was an American Serial Killer active in Rochester, New York.
Kathy Kleiner and Karen Chandler Chi omega rare sorority 1978You will get a copy of this great photograph and a rare occasion to have a Chi Omega photograph related before the massacre by Theodore Bundy.
Patricia Kremwinkel Susan Atkins and Leslie Van Houten 4 x 6 photograph This is a superbe picture where Susan Atkins is making fun of the reporters and camera man.This photograph was a duplicate done in the year 2000…
Justin Joel Hopper, a 33-year-old father from Bryan, Texas, was
convicted of abusing his twin daughters, including the tragic death
of 6-year-old Arianna Battelle. The case has received a lot of media
attention because of the gravity of the offenses committed. Hopper
was found guilty of "injury to a child with intent to cause
bodily injury" and sentenced to life in prison with a $10,000
fine. The abuse included severe physical punishment with belts and
paddles for transgressions like bedw...
Zodiac Killer foot print crime scene photograph from 1968 This 4 x 6 is a copy photograph made after. It’s a foot print left at one of the crime scenes. It’s from the Shepard and Harnell crime scene size 10 1/2 identified later as Wing Walker shoe print. Maybe military, designed to walk on wings of planes.
Thomas Loren Goatley, a 20-year-old Umatilla, Oregon resident, has
been charged with significant federal felonies including child sexual
abuse threats and possession of unlawful materials. Goatley is
accused of making over 60 phone calls to various institutions in 12
states, claiming to be in the process of sexually assaulting a kid or
planning to do so soon. The National Center for Missing and Exploited
Children (NCMEC) launched the inquiry after receiving CyberTipline
Reports. On July 2...