State of Alaska - Department of Corrections - Request for Interview 8.5 x 11 document sheet.This is a Virgin document that would be filled in the late 1990’s to request an interview before being validated and accepted.
Charles Manson California Prison mugshot from 1971Part of a mugshot lot bought . This is a 4 x 6 modern copy . It’s the exact picture in the photograph.
Being younger and stronger, I just
pushed him off and shot him right between the eyes. Just because he
pissed me off. He was shot like an executioner would have done it. He
fell to the ground lifeless and didn’t even wiggle.
Wardlow was 18 when
he killed 82-year-old Carl Cole in Cason, TX. Wardlow shot Cole
during an attempted robbery in which he said he had planned to steal
Cole’s truck to leave the rural town and start a new life with his