Hellflorist 1011
Patrick Kearney letter/envelope 3/25/1998
Letter/envelope set from the California Trash Bag Killer.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
Richard Ramirez photograph DECEASED
Copy of a Polaroid photo of the deceased California Night Stalker and his wife, Doreen Ramirez.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
James Rouse letter/envelope 4/17/2006
Letter/envelope set from the Tennessee Richland High School shooter.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
Richard Ramirez photograph DECEASED
Copy of a Polaroid photo of the deceased California Night Stalker and his wife, Doreen Ramirez.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
Samuel Little letter/envelope 11/3/2020 DECEASED
Letter/envelope set from the deceased California, Ohio, and Texas serial killer.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
Jack Spillman letter/envelope 2/12/2007
Letter/envelope set from the Washington Werewolf Butcher.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
Dorothea Puente card/envelope 12/11/2000 DECEASED
Handmade card/envelope set drom the deceased California female serial killer.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
Buford Furrow letter/envelope 11/15/2006
Letter/envelope set from the Los Angeles Jewish Community Center shooter.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
Charles Manson letter/envelope 3/10/1975 DECEASED
Early letter/envelope set from the American true crime icon.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
Michael Ross letter/envelope 12/2/2002 EXECUTED
Walking With Michael letter/envelope from the executed New York/Connecticut serial killer.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
Morris Solomon letter/envelope 10/6/1997
Completely typed letter/envelope set from the condemned California serial killer.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
Charles Manson visitation photograph DECEASED
Copy of a Polaroid photo of the deceased American true crime icon.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
Aileen Wuornos letter 9/9/2002 EXECUTED
Letter from the executed female serial killer written one month before her execution. Excellent content.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
William Lembcke letter/envelope 8/12/2012
Letter/envelope set from the Washington teen family mass murderer and necrophile.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
Jeremy Christian hand tracing 5/29/2020
Hand tracing on American Hate story detailing the Portland MAX Train double murderer.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
Michael Carneal letter/envelope 2/19/2010
Letter/envelope set from the Kentucky Heath High School shooter.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
Joseph Danks card/envelope
Greeting card from the condemned California Koreatown Slasher.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
Pamela Smart letter/envelope 11/1/2010
Letter/envelope set from the New Hampshire murder-for-hire orchestrator and child molester. Letter's original recipient, Timothy Lax, would be murdered in 2011.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
Dorothea Puente letter/envelope 5/9/1998 DECEASED
Letter/envelope set from the California female serial killer.
0 bids
Hellflorist 1011
Lee Taylor envelope 3/21/2007 EXECUTED
Envelope from the executed Texas racially motivated killer.
0 bids