Redrumautographs 754
Jeff Gorton handwritten envelope with numerous lines penned by him from 2010
His Harrison Correctional Facility
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Redrumautographs 754
Executed- Kenneth Biros personnal 8.5 x 11 sheet sent to a pen pal in 2007
Kenneth Biros (June 24, 1958 – December 8, 2009) was an American convicted murderer who was sentenced to death and executed for the aggravated murder, attempted rape, aggravated robbery and felonious sexual penetration of a young woman. Biros was the first condemned person to be executed by lethal injection in the United States with the use of a single drug, setting a Guiness world record
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Redrumautographs 754
Ricardo Rosales original fingerprint chart El Paso Texas 1963
Ricardo Rosales original fingerprint chart El Paso Texas 1963
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Redrumautographs 754
James Earl Ray 4 x 6 photograph 1970’s
James Earl Ray 4 x 6 photograph 1970’sYour getting a modern copy
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Redrumautographs 754
Celso Martinez Original fingerprint chart El Paso Texas 1963
Celso Martinez Original fingerprint chart El Paso Texas 1963
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Redrumautographs 754
Melvin long original fingerprint Chart El Paso Texas 1963
Melvin long original fingerprint Chart El Paso Texas 1963
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Redrumautographs 754
Deceased - William Bill Heirens watercolor painting titled Dunes signed W. Heirens
Deceased - William Bill Heirens watercolor painting titled : “Dunes “ signed W. HeirensRare framed painting with original clippings included related to his case. This is a very early painting. He loved to paint places where he had been in his early childhood years. This was a place he visited often "The Dunes" (Sand Dunes). Watercolor is of the sand dunes, water of Lake Michigan, seagull, grassy area's and a fence. Beautiful painting, pastel colors. William George Heirens (November 15, 1...
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Redrumautographs 754
Deceased - Theodore Frank 5 hairs from San Quentin State Prison 1994
Deceased -Theodore Frank 5 hairs from San Quentin State Prison 1994
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Redrumautographs 754
Joel Rifkin school photography project presever sheet with 28 negatives signed from 1979
These were Joel Rifkin's personnal taken photographs and he has put part of his original negatives at the time in a plastic sheet and signed it J. Rifkin
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Redrumautographs 754
Grace Budd Arrest for kidnapping poster - New York Police Department 1928
Albert Fish victim Grace Budd when she was taken to Cotage and cannibalized
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Redrumautographs 754
Laurie Bembenek rare Orcas greeting card signed in full from 1992
Laurie Bembenek rare Orcas greeting card signed in full from 1992This card from the Sea Cove Gallery has a painting of Frank Walsh on the front. A really nice greeting card but the date on it is what makes it rare because it shortly after she was brought back from Canada. Laurie had escaped from her facility in Wisconsin. She fled to Canada and stayed there temporarily until she was brought back. Shortly after that she was released.Great murder story! Some people believe till now that she did it...
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Redrumautographs 754
John Eichinger handwritten envelope with numerous lines penned by him from 2011
PA Department if Corrections
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Redrumautographs 754
Executed - Gerald Stano handwritten envelope from 1994
This is signed Gerald Stano no. 079701
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Redrumautographs 754
John w. King 3 x 5 photograph printed on paper his personal copy from 1997
John sitting on keg withfriends 1997 - Pre arrest
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Redrumautographs 754
Arthur J. Shawcross 2 x 2 stamp of the bird man of Alcatraz signed from 2006
Arthur J. Shawcross 2 x 2 stamp of the bird man of Alcatraz signed from 2006
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Redrumautographs 754
Deceased - Dorothea Puente’s own biscuit and snack receipe 2000
Deceased - Dorothea Puente’s own biscuit and snack receipe 2000Great receipe one page handwritten on yellow lined paper. Use for the book coocking with a serial killer Receipes from Dorothea Puente.
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Redrumautographs 754
GG ALLIn and the murder junkies with the Mickey Wild Generation poster from early 1990s
GG ALLIn and the murder junkies with the Mickey Wild Generation poster from early 1990sAdverting poster for their show ! You will get a copy on 8.5 x 11 paper. Great piece to have framed!
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Redrumautographs 754
Deceased - Roch Thériault pastel handmade and crafted Zodiac card from 2007
Great card signed twice and dated by the Infamous Cult Leader from Dorchester Prison. One of kind!
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Redrumautographs 754
Randy Kraft 5 hairs from San Quentin State Prison 1994
Randy Kraft 5 hairs from San Quentin State Prison 1994
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Redrumautographs 754
Clifford Olson Ste Anne-des-plaines prison menu 8.5 x 14 Copy from 2005
Clifford Olson Ste Anne-des-plaines prison menu 8.5 x 14 Copy from 2005This is for a copy made directly from the menu sent by Clifford Olson. It’s good food and fresh fruits and AAA meet and grande cuisine! You wouldn’t believe!
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