Redrumautographs 749
Cary Stayner arrest photograph 4 x 6 mugshot from 1999
Cary Stayner arrest photograph 4 x 6 mugshot from 1999You will receive a modern copy of this photograph
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Redrumautographs 749
Henri Landru 4 x 6 Mugshot photograph early 1900’s
Henri Landru 4 x 6 Mugshot photograph early 1900’sThis auction is for a modern copy of this photograph
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Redrumautographs 749
Adolf Eichmann original 7 x 9 Photograph from 1961
Adolf Eichmann Tried for Mass murder of the Jews
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Redrumautographs 749
Hope Warvi Prison shirt with painted artwork and hand cut and styled by her from 2020
Hope Warvi Prison shirt with painted artwork and hand cut and styled by her from 2020This is signed by her Hope Warvi
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Redrumautographs 749
Ted Bundy sketch prior to his identification photograph 1970’s
Ted Bundy sketch prior to his identification photograph 1970’sThis is a modern copy 4 x 6 photog
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Redrumautographs 749
Barker Ranch mailbox Charles Manson 4 x 6 photograph
Barker Ranch mailbox Charles Manson 4 x 6 photographThis is a photograph obtained in early 2000
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Redrumautographs 749
Susan Atkins set of two prison photographs
Susan Atkins set of two prison photographs You will get a modern reproduction of these two great photographs
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Redrumautographs 749
Great Ted Bundy of center 4 x 6 mugshot photograph with smile from 1976
Great Ted Bundy of center 4 x 6 mugshot photograph with smile from 1976This is a modern copy but the date it was developed is unknown.
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Redrumautographs 749
Deceased - Issei Sagawa 4 x 6 photograph crime scene suitcase 1981
Deceased - Issei Sagawa 4 x 6 photograph crime scene suitcase 1981 This is a modern photograph of the suitcase containing Issei Sagawa’s victim Parts were eaten and other discovered at his home and the rest in the suitcase.
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Redrumautographs 749
John Wayne Gacy 4 x 4.5 photograph of a victim ring shown as exhibit No. 18
John Wayne Gacy 4 x 4.5 photograph of a victim ring shown as exhibit No. 18You will be getting a modern version copy of this photograph.
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Redrumautographs 749
Lawrence Bittaker two 4 x 6 copies of handmade templates variety done on Deathrow
These are copies sent by Bittaker of 6 various handmade pop up cards done trough the years
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Redrumautographs 749
GG Allin Vomitose tatoo guitar pick from 1990’s
GG Allin Vomitose tatoo guitar pick from 1990’sGG ALLIN :Red Guitar Pick from the early 1990's!Featuring the punk legend GG Allin's "Vomitose" tattoo!
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Redrumautographs 749
Execution by sword in China beheading early 1900's b & w photograph
Execution by sword in China beheading early 1900's b & w photographThis is for a more modern kodak photograph on 4 x 6
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Redrumautographs 749
Deceased - Herbert R. Baumeister Indianapolis Sewer Service Co. billing card from 1990
Original Department of public work document 1990
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Redrumautographs 749
Executed - Danny Rolling handwritten poem written after Christa Hoyt’s murder describing how it was and this was used as evidence against him in 1994
Pre-trial document - Evidence - Hoyt murder
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Redrumautographs 749
Ted Bundy victim Susan Elaine Rancourt missing poster and Reward from 1973
Theodore Robert Bundy victim Missing/Reeard poster
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Redrumautographs 749
Lee Boyd Malvo original early colored large self portrait drawing signed in full
Lee Boyd Malvo original early colored large self portrait drawing signed in fullThis is approx 12 x 18...i dont have this infront of me but its close to this size.Rarely will you see a large piece of artwork done by Lee Malvo. Especially a self portrait like this one. This was done early in his incarceration and is a one-of-a-kind.
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Redrumautographs 749
Joe Metheny original worn prison DOC shirt with artwork and thumb print signed Tiny
Deceased - died in his cell this August 2017
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Redrumautographs 749
Saddam Hussein Iraqi 250 dinar uncirculated bill - beautiful
Saddam Hussein Iraqi 250 dinar uncirculated bill - beautiful
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Redrumautographs 749
Danny Rolling french portion cut upon his execution in Florida at 18h13 from 2006
Original clipping on Gainesville Ripper's execution
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