Redrumautographs 749
Manuel Pardo original double ink Double handtracing signed on 8.5 x 11 paper signed Manuel Pardo Jr.
Executed on December 11 , 2012 - The real Dexter
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Redrumautographs 749
John Lennon the New York City years cardboard flyer from 2008-2009John Lennon the New York City years cardboard flyer from 2008-2009
Mark David Chapman and John Lennon Collectible flyer
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Redrumautographs 749
State of Alaska Request for Interview 8.5 x 11 document sheet
State of Alaska - Department of Corrections - Request for Interview 8.5 x 11 document sheet.This is a Virgin document that would be filled in the late 1990’s to request an interview before being validated and accepted.
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Redrumautographs 749
Richard Ramirez court photograph shackled Los Angeles County
Richard Ramirez court photograph shackled Los Angeles CountyYou will get a modern photograph of this picture
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Redrumautographs 749
Lexington Hotel complete matches and matchbook nice reference Alcapone headquarter
Lexington Hotel complete matches and matchbook nice reference Alcapone headquarterThis one is the Lexington in NYC and not in Chicago. Opened in the 1920’s both places have lots of great mobster history.Great mob piece!
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Redrumautographs 749
Albert Fish 4 x 6 photograph bien escorted from court
Albert Fish 4 x 6 photograph bien escorted from court
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Redrumautographs 749
Deceased - Herbert Baumeister window bug from united security Fox Hollow Farm relic
Obtained in 2007
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Redrumautographs 749
Deceased - Herbert Baumeister Indiana Health Insurance Plan Blue Cross document 1995
Original document from 1995-96
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Redrumautographs 749
Lawrence Bittaker two 4 x 6 copies of handmade templates variety done on Deathrow
These are copies sent by Bittaker of 6 various handmade pop up cards done trough the years
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Redrumautographs 749
Arthur Leigh Allen zodiac Killer suspect 8.5x 11 absence slip form dated 1966 - copy
Arthur Leigh Allen zodiac Killer suspect 8.5x 11 absence slip form dated 1966 - copyYou will receive a copy of his actual absence slip . Right after the Cheri Bates murder Arthur Sllen took a school business absence later transferred to a sick day. This is part of the circumstantial evidences that pulled up against him.You will get a color photocopy and it will be sent folded in a regular envelope.
Redrumautographs 749
Herbert and Julie Baumeister Animal Clinic document from 1976
Original Eastwood Animal Clinic
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Redrumautographs 749
Albert Desalvo complete set of handmade jewelry with orginal box and labels from 1970 - Earings, necklace, pendant and bracelet
Amazing complete one-of-a-kind Special set S-17 Jade gemstone set by the Boston Strangler
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Redrumautographs 749
Zodiac killer sketch drawing after the Cecilia Shepard and Bryan Hartnell crime in 1969
Zodiac killer sketch drawing after the Cecilia Shepard and Bryan Hartnell crime in 1969Your will receive a 8.5 x 11 sketch copy. This is how he looked like at the crime scene and was described by a surviving victim.
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Redrumautographs 749
U.S Department of Justice - return to sender illegal items sent to General Manuel Noriega in 1990
U.S Department of Justice - return to sender illegal items sent to General Manuel Noriega in 1990You will be getting a copy of this document on 8.5 x 11 sheet. Excellent piece to add to your collection or frame with other Noriega collectibles.
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Redrumautographs 749
Lawrence Bittaker vial with few hairs from San Quentin from 2003
Lawrence Bittaker vial with few hairs from San Quentin from 20035 hairs pulled out of this vial will be put and sent in a small ziplock bag.
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Redrumautographs 749
Richard Ramirez 4 x 6 court photographs with glasses with calendar on back
Richard Ramirez 4 x 6 court photographs with glasses with calendar on back You are getting a modern reproduction done in early 2000
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Redrumautographs 749
Michel Fourniret original French newspaper clipping
Michel Fourniret original French newspaper clipping
0 bids
Redrumautographs 749
Deceased- Dorothea Puente handwritten envelope with 8 lines penned by her from 2008
Central women’s Facility Prison stanped
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Redrumautographs 749
Prison Legal News sheet order sent by Cameron Hooker requesting marchandise from 2006
Prison Legal News sheet order sent by Cameron Hooker requesting marchandise from 2006You will get a copy of this sheet on 8.5 x 11 issued in spring 2005.
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Redrumautographs 749
Deceased - Roch Moises Thériault handtracing signed twice and dated from November 2007
From Dorchester Pennitentiary in Canada
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