a shotgun and automatic rifle he had stolen from his stepfather the
day before, Lionell
Gonzales Rodriguez
(hereinafter referred to as “Lionell”; February 1, 1971 – June
20, 2007) | age 36) joined his cousin, James Gonzales, in driving
around town looking for a place to rob. At a stop light at an
intersection in Houston, Lionell (who was in the passenger’s seat)
noticed a young woman sitting alone at the wheel of a car next to
them. Lionell aimed an M1 carbine rifle right...
On February 9, 2021, a mass shooting and bombing occurred at a
medical clinic in Buffalo, Minnesota, United States. Just before
11:00 a.m. CST, Gregory Paul Ulrich, a 67-year-old man, shot five
people at Allina Health's Buffalo Crossroads facility.
they wouldn’t give him a pain pill….