With great inserts from San Que tin deathrow - 4 Night Stalker items!
The letter is one page with cool info including being happy to have received a leg show pages!! He is thanking his pen pal for the money order and is asking about his new year. Talks also about some OZzy printouts. There is much more details to this letter and cool info explaining how he likes football but dosent have a favorite team….it’s signed Take it E/Z , your friend Richard
The envelope has the San Quentin state prison stamp and is dated 10/2/2006
This envelope is signed Richard Ramirez with complete address.
Please note that the previous owner circled out the names on the letter and envelope but this dosent affect Richard’s signatures at all.
I will also include a 4 x 6 photograph of him and a police bulletin copy as seen bellow.
Total of 4 Nigh Stalker related pieces!!