Arthur J. Shawcross signed 3 x 3 photograph of Andrew Cunanan from 2005
He drew an arrow to Andrew top right mugshot . I don’t know why ...he probably saw a resemblance with him younger...there’s a photo mugshot of Shawcross that has some similarities ...
Andrew Cunanan was the killer of designer Gianni Versace.
Herbert R. Baumeister Indianapolis Water Co. billing card from 1990This is dated 04/27/90 and has writtings on it by Juliana Baumeister. The 5/15/90 and the # 5628 penned in her hand are a check number to cover this bill that was payed on this exact date.Herbert Baumeister would certainly use alot of water to sprinkle the grass of the Fox Hollow Farm and filling up his indoor pool where he would bring his victims before killing them during a swim session.
Arthur J. Shawcross signed 3 x 3 photograph of Andrew Cunanan from 2005He drew an arrow to Andrew top right mugshot . I don’t know why ...he probably saw a resemblance with him younger...there’s a photo mugshot of Shawcross that has some similarities ...Andrew Cunanan was the killer of designer Gianni Versace.