Cary Stayner Yosemite killer 8.5 x 11 artwork signed Cary from 2010This artwork of a wild is done in pencil on a white 8.5 x 11 paper. It’s signed Cary 10.
Christa Pike handmade shower bag / handbag with yellow index card signed in full from 2020It was used by her for years before being obtained in 2020.The index card explains the full story behind that bag and it’s deceived well on one side and signed in full on the other side.This can be used as a handbag as well. A pretty neat Prison crafted item!
Dr. Jack Kevorkian 4 pages letter on euthanasia to the Supreme Court from 2000To the chief of Justice Honn. William Hubbs Rehnquist, this is a copy that he sent to thank a pen pal supporter. Great historical letter! You are getting a copy of this letter. Again this is not the original.