Albert Fish 4 x 6 crime scene photograph showing police around the house where Grace buddy was killed 1930’sThis is not a photograph of the 1930’s it was done after but the date is unknown and the back is not stamped or dated.
Clifford Olson 4 x 6 photograph taken in the prison Yard 1990 no.2This was from August 3rd at Kingston Pennitentiary.You will get a 4x6 unisgned copy of this photograp
Corey Johnson was convicted of a series of 7 murders in order to
further a drug enterprise. Corey committed the murders in the
Richmond, VA area to further a drug enterprise that trafficked large
quantities of cocaine. Among his crimes were the shooting with a
semiautomatic weapon of a rival drug dealer, the killing of a woman
who had not paid for some crack cocaine and the shooting of a man at
close range whom Corey suspected of cooperating with the police.
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