Albert Fish 4 x 6 crime scene photograph showing Dr . Amos holding Grace Budd’s bone 1930’sMedical Examiner Dr. Amos O. Squire holds bones of the slain Grace Budd after ghastly relics were dug up by cops in an abandoned house in Westchester Hills.This is a modern second generation copy of the original unknown when it was done
David Berkowitz left index print from the city of New York police Department taken in 1977This copy of the original 8.5 x 11 sheet will come with a reprinted signature of Mr. Berkowitz.A great piece of history to add to your collection!
This hand tracing is rather chaotic, and Hadley has signed it in the corner "Tyler Hadley, AKA Haddius-Mazximus". On the back of his hand tracing, he's written a whole message.