Kenneth Bianchi Hillside Strangler Elementry diploma from Dicese of Dorchester 1965You will be getting a b&w copy of his diploma on 8.5 x 11 paper . This copy is straight from the original.
Unabomber task force reward 4 x 6 photographThis poster of the task force looking for the Unabomber had a million dollar reward for information leading to his capture.You will get a modern 4 x 6 photograph / poster copy.
Preston Allen Quain, aka "Tyler," was involved in a legal
action in Texas. He was convicted of the murder of Danny Joe Rolen.
Rolen was found laying in a pool of blood on the floor of his trailer
home. He had been pounded in the back of the head with a hammer and
stabbed more than fifteen times. The incident occurred on December
13, 2007, when Quain was sixteen years old. The appellant was
subsequently arrested and charged with Rolen's murder. He was
initially detained in the Juvenile Det...