American Airlines complete ticket green boarding pass from 1999Many stories including a crash that year happened with this airline including a bombing attempt by Richard Reid two years later in 2001. A nice historical substitute to a letter or a document. Would look very nice framed with a Richard Reid letter and a plane photograph. Flight coupon is still attached and intact to the boarding pass.
Edward Gein trivet from west Plainfield Wisconsin grocery store This is about 6 x 6 inches and has a nice add printed on it froM west Plainfield Grocery Store Gas oil and meats…
Ferrill Mickens handpainted card with the original envelope from 2003Time for a hair cut! From 9-24-2003 with a quick note signed by Ferrill Mickens done in Corcoran Prison
This hand tracing is rather chaotic, and Hadley has signed it in the corner "Tyler Hadley, AKA Haddius-Mazximus". On the back of his hand tracing, he's written a whole message.