Christa Gail Pike handcrafted prison Covid-19 mask with lip prints from2020-21This piece is a true beauty with a handmade skull with little beaded stickers artwork it’s signed the living dead girl Christa Gail Pike.It also has her lips on the back and was worn by her behind bars in 2020-2021.Worn prison items are very intimate and collectible and we truly love pieces like this, it’s worn handcrafted prison clothing with beaded artwork and a small doodle drawing and it’s signed in full with...
Weegee–real name Arthur Fellig–was New York City’s finest crime photographer, with his photos of fires, dead bodies and other city mayhem worthy of any tabloid. Listening to his police scanner, Weegee would sit and wait patiently every night for the seedy side of New York City to show her grizzly face before beating the police to the scene of the crime in order to snap a shot.
Alfred Gaynor hair from prison in vial from 2005Alfred J. Gaynor (born 1967) is an American serial killer and rapist who killed nine women in Springfield, Massachusetts.