Deceased - Herbert Baumeister General Electric Heater and Cooling plaque from Fox Hollow Farm 2007
This is an original relic from the living room of the Fox Hollow Farm . Original crime scene item from the time the Baumeisters lived in the house and before the changing of the system.
Robert J. Bardo odie the dog from Garfield dated from 1997This early artwork was done on 8.5 x 11 and is dated 9/11/97 thursdayTitled Odie the dog from Garfield and signed Robert J. Bardo H-21272-I-3Rarely you will see early artwork by him.
Deceased - Herbert Baumeister General Electric Heater and Cooling plaque from Fox Hollow Farm 2007This is an original relic from the living room of the Fox Hollow Farm . Original crime scene item from the time the Baumeisters lived in the house and before the changing of the system.