Albert Fish 4 x 6 crime scene photograph showing police around the house where Grace buddy was killed 1930’sThis is not a photograph of the 1930’s it was done after but the date is unknown and the back is not stamped or dated.
Deceased - Roch Thériault superbe wooden carved box with animal scene as he saw it while living in the woods from 2006This beautiful hand carved and crafted box is quite stunning. It depicts the serenity and the peacefulness of living in the woods. It depicts the2 Virginia deers he encountered along the beautiful mountains and trees. The box has numerous signatures written in ink and carved into the wood.Very very uncommon to see any carvings….he sometimes carved his own frames and framed ...
Theodore Robert Bundy Law Library 4 x 6 photograph 1977Pitkin County Law Library second floor . He would later jump from that same room and commit his first escape.Beautiful photograph I had for over a decate showing Ted Buny’s shackled feet at the library.
Vickie Dawn Jackson, an American serial murderer, perpetrated a
series of killings while working as a nurse at Nocona General
Hospital in late 2000. Between December 2000 and February 2001,
patient mortality increased significantly due to anomalies in
mivacurium chloride (Mivacron) vials. Charles E. Norris, the hospital
administrator, noticed the irregularities and notified police
enforcement. A combined inquiry uncovered troubling patterns and
lawsuits against Jackson, prompting her dism...