Redrumautographs 742
Bettie Beets signed card with complete address with inserts
She would be executed by the State of Texas in 2000
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Redrumautographs 742
Greg Kuhn handwritten Corcoran prison envelope with numerous lines penned by him from 2008
Greg Kuhn handwritten Corcoran prison envelope with numerous lines penned by him from 2008
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Redrumautographs 742
Lawrence Bittaker original prison photograph with paint chip from his cell wall from 1993
L. Bittaker 2.5 x 3.5 (S.Q.D.R) from September 1993
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Redrumautographs 742
Leslie Van Houten 4 pages letter on butterfly and flower stationary from 2004
Leslie Van Houten 4 pages letter on butterfly and flower stationary from 2004This letter is signed my best - Leslie
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Redrumautographs 742
Unabomber task force reward 4 x 6 photograph
Unabomber task force reward 4 x 6 photographThis poster of the task force looking for the Unabomber had a million dollar reward for information leading to his capture.You will get a modern 4 x 6 photograph / poster copy.
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Redrumautographs 742
Herbert Baumeister Land Rover defender accessories booklet sent to him to the Fox Hollow Farm from 1994
He would escape from the law after a warrant was issued for his arrest and drive as a Wanted man in his Land Rover to Canada before committing suicide in 1996
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Redrumautographs 742
Kenneth Allen mcDuff éclipse card no.203 from 1992
Kenneth Allen mcDuff éclipse card no.203 from 1992
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Redrumautographs 742
The Lonely Heart Killers 6.75 x 10 modern print of the front page from 1951
Heart Killers Die Calmly, Martha Last - Execution of both at Sing Sing Priaon
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Redrumautographs 742
Joseph Bonanno 4 x 6 kidnapping poster add posted by New York police Department from 1964
Joseph Bonanno 4 x 6 kidnapping poster add posted by New York police Department from 1964You are getting a Reprinted add/poster in this auction. A great add to your true crime collection.
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Redrumautographs 742
Jay Scott Ballinger original handwritten envelope with numerous lines penned in his hand from 2012
Jay Scott Ballinger original handwritten envelope with numerous lines penned in his hand from 2012An Indiana drifter with a history of dabbling in satanic rituals was charged in dual Federal indictments yesterday with setting 10 church fires in Indiana and Georgia, including one last year in which a firefighter died.Federal officials from the National Church Arson Task Force, which was established three years ago to investigate hundreds of church blazes across the South and Midwest, said it was ...
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Redrumautographs 742
Lawrence Bittaker deathrow philosopher card from San Quentin obtained in 2003
You will get this original business card obtained from Bittaker with the original 4 x 6 photograph of Lawrence Bittaker
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Redrumautographs 742
Nathan Bar-Jonah handwritten envelope with numerous lines written by him from 2005
Nathan Bar-Jonah handwritten envelope with numerous lines written by him from 2005
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Redrumautographs 742
Susan Atkins 4 x 5 mugshot picture late 1960’s
Susan Atkins 4 x 5 mugshot picture late 1960’s You will get a crisp modern copy of her original mugshotThese must have been done in the 1990’s
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Redrumautographs 742
Deceased - Clifford Olson 4 x 6 original prison photo before he ran the mile on August 3rd , 1990
He typed the back and signed it from Clifford
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Redrumautographs 742
John Joubert 2.75 x 3.5 photograph taken in priso Deathrow
John J. Joubert (July 2, 1963 – July 17, 1996) was an American sSerial Killer executed in Nebraska. He was convicted of murdering three boys in Maine and Nebraska.You will get a copy of this picture taken on deathrow.
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Redrumautographs 742
Hadden Clark original signed prison DoC xL - shirt with original photograph wearing this shirt from 2016
Cannibal original photograph wearing this shirt signed and envelope included
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Redrumautographs 742
Orville Lynn Majors handwritten page with envelope from 2005
Deceased Angel of Death suspected to poison over 100 patients
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Redrumautographs 742
Herbert Baumeister handrawn work schedule for the Sav-A-Lot store 2 sheets from 1994
Herbert Baumeister handrawn work schedule for the Sav-A-Lot store 2 sheets from 1994This is unsual and rarely seen. It’s the closest I’ve seen to a drawing or a piece of art by Herbert Baumeister. It’s a work schedule made by him from February 13 to February 19.Great piece from when he moved to Westfield and shortly before few months his first Fox Hollow Farm victim.
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Redrumautographs 742
Jim Jones People’s Temple Agricultural and medical project QSL from 1978
Jonestown Guyana QSL , People’s Temple
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Redrumautographs 742
Dana Gray worn prison T-Shirt with two red handprints in paint signed D. Gray W 76776
Comes with a handwritten 5 x 8 CoA penned and signed Dana Gray
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